Not sure where to start?
Our goal since 2019 is to make every women happy on 8th of March and for more people to try organic cosmetics.
We have developed and trademarked the RoutINA™ formula. Clinically tested in a third-party study in I.E.C France. In each RoutINA™ product page you could see the clinical results.
Our Acne RoutINA* demonstrated the following results in 90 days:
90% Cleans the pores deeply
85% Removes excess sebum without drying the face
95% Suitable for all skin types
It might but it is highly unlikely. The products are clinically tested and we have more than 100,000 satisfied customers in Europe. You can be the next one :)
The products are suitable for all genders, all ages, all skin types.
Our products cost ~1.50€ a day. Less than your coffee. Would you spare one espresso for solving your skin/hair issue?
Our products only take 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening. Which puts you a total of 6 min per day away from your perfect skin.
Nope, it is only organic, vegan, herbal products from our own gardens.
No colours, no parabens, no sulphates, no chemicals, no side effects, no worries :)
What is more, they are clinically tested
☑ FAMILY GUARANTEE - If you purchase a 3-month RoutINA package, use the products for 90 consecutive days, and don't see results, you'll receive a full refund.
Our delivery takes 1 to 3 business days
• Our Hydrolina is obtained by primary distillation of freshly harvested plants at the most suitable time of the season. This allows the natural concentration of essential oils and beneficial active substances to be preserved.
• Our family cares and is directly involved in each of the product processing processes. This allows us to show our faces and proudly guarantee the quality of each product.